This page will provide you with basic information you need to efficiently construct an input file for use with CRT.
Full options are listed in the documentation included with the source code.
If you have any questions please contact us.
A certain format is defined for reading a file containing a list of source types and magnetic field configurations.
Comments in the input file are defined as lines starting with a #.
Since the particle only 'feels' the total magnetic field, the program will add together any individual field components that the user specifies.
A wide variety of sources can be generated, including multi-component sources (proton plus iron, for example).
The order in which fields and sources does not matter, along as each declaration is complete.
The delimiter between lines is a CARRIAGE RETURN on the system in which CRT was compiled.
Example input format follows below.
Units and descriptions
Magnetic Fields
Units and descriptions
Note:SCALE2 is not used for 'stanev' fields. ZCUT is not used for 'hmr' fields. Simply set these values to (1) in these cases.