Hopefully this page will provide you with some information you need to efficiently use CRT.
If you have any questions please contact us.
CRT Overview
CRT uses Runge-Kutta integration methods to determine the trajectory of a charged particle through specified magnetic fields models. Particles are created by a specified type of source at some location (Earth, galactic (G), or extra-galactic (EXG)), injected at some energy, and followed until an end criterium is satisfied. Particle can be forward- or back-tracked from G or EXG sources, or backtracked from Earth. Backtracking is accomplished by following the anti-particle (changing the sign of the charge and initial velocity vector). Energy losses are NOT tracked during propagation (Check back for updates which may include this functionality).
CRT's only dependencies are GSL (for random number generation) and FFTW (for Fourier Transformation libraries).
Default Values
The chosen convention for uninitialized parameters or irrelevant output values (for example, observed latitude for an UNOBSERVED particle) is the value (-999).
Coordinate Systems
The Galactic coordinate system is used when referring to directions in the sky.
There are two Cartesian coordinate systems used: one defined exclusively within the magnetic field model (Field System) and is used to define the paramterizations of the Symmetric Spiral field models, and another everywhere else within the program (System A).
System A is defined as follows:
Field Systems are defined only within the field strength calculations.
If a user wishes to add a new field using a different coordinate system they must implement the new coordinate system.
Runtime Arguments
All option flags are set at runtime and include:
The only required option is 'infile'.
All others have default values.
The absolute minimum program call is:
The following illustrates how to use each option:
seed=1 -rk5 -rk853 -backtrack detR=0.5 tmax=1000 tstep=0.1 err=0.0034 infile=/home/myinput.file ofile=/home/myoutput.file
A certain format is defined for reading a file containing a list of source types and magnetic field configurations.
Comments in the input file are defined as lines starting with a #
Since the particle only 'feels' the total magnetic field, the program will add together any individual field components that the user specifies.
A wide variety of sources can be generated, including multi-component sources (proton plus iron, for example).
The order in which fields and sources does not matter, as long as each declaration is complete.
The units for each option can be found in the full page on the Input File Format.
The delimiter between lines is a CARRIAGE RETURN on the system in which CRT was compiled.
Example input format follows below.
Comments in the output file are defined as lines starting with a #
The header information can be found at the beginning of the output file, it describes the parameters used during the run.
The final #-line labels the columns of data to be output after propagation.
Regardless of detection, every column is filled for every particle.
The delimiter between columns is a TAB (\t
The delimiter between lines is a CARRIAGE RETURN on the system in which CRT was compiled.
Data Columns
# Run command:
# RNGseed: 0
# 1 srcs, 10 total events, detector size=0.1kpc
# I 10 0.01 -2.7 3 200 1 1 1
# F bss_s stanev 2 -10 10.55 1 1 4 0.5
# F bss_s hmr 2 -10 10.55 2 0.3 4 1
# (x,y,z) refers to: backtracking-> final coordinates, forwardtracking-> injection site
# Src Num CR Energy[EeV] Src.Long.[deg] Src.Lat.[deg] EXG Xcoor. [kpc] EXG Ycoor. [kpc] EXG Zcoor. [kpc] Hit(1=Y,0=N) Obs.Long.[deg] Obs.Lat.[deg] Ang.Sep.[deg] Imp. Angle[deg] Imp. Param.[kpc] Particle Mass Particle Charge Evt.Number Earth Xcoor. [kpc] Earth XYoor. [kpc] Earth Zcoor. [kpc] Event Quality